RHBInvest iPhone Application Information


RHBInvest iPhone Application Information - Error Messages
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Message Scenario
We are unable to process your order because the price is not within the price range. This is one of the order checks. If the bid or ask price is below or beyond the price bid range, this message is prompted.
We are unable to process your order because buying for this counter has been suspended. When the BUYING for the counter is suspended via the Admin Module. This suspension is by RHB and NOT by BURSA.
We are unable to process your order because you have exceeded your daily exchange buy limit.  Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account does NOT have enough BUY limits.
We are unable to process your order because your order has already been matched. When a cancel or reduce is submitted but the order was already matched.
We are unable to process your order because your order has already been rejected. When a cancel or reduce is submitted but the order was already rejected by the exchange.
We are unable to process your order because your order has already been reduced. When a cancel or reduce is submitted but the order was already reduced by the exchange.
We are unable to process your order because your order has already been withdrawn. When a cancel or reduce is submitted but the order was already cancelled by the exchange.
We are unable to process your order because your order has already expired. When a cancel or reduce is submitted but the order was already expired.
We are unable to process your order because your order is pending withdrawal. When a cancel or reduce is submitted but an earlier submitted cancellation was pending.
We are unable to process your order because your order is pending reduction. When a cancel or reduce is submitted but an earlier submitted reduction was pending.
We are unable to reduce your order because the market has closed for the day. When a reduce is submitted but the exchange is already closed.
We are unable to withdraw your order because the market has closed for the day. When a cancel is submitted but the exchange is already closed.
We are unable to process your order because you have exceeded your daily internet buy limit.  Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account does NOT have enough BUY limits.
We are unable to process your order because you have exceeded your global buy limit.  Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account does NOT have enough BUY limits.
We are unable to process your order because the buy counter limit was exceeded. When the BUY limit for the counter has exceeded.
We are unable to process your order because the overall buy counter limit was exceeded. When the BUY limit for the counter has exceeded.
We are unable to process your order because selling on this counter has been suspended. When the SELLING for the counter is suspended via the Admin Module.  This suspension is by RHB and NOT by BURSA.
We are unable to process your order because the exchange buy limit was exceeded. When the BUY limit for the counter has exceeded.
We are unable to process your order because the counter has trading restrictions. When the COUNTER is suspended from both BUYING and SELLING via the Admin Module.  This suspension is by RHB and NOT by BURSA.
We are unable to process your order because you have insufficient holdings for this counter. When the account does NOT have enough holdings for the stock.
We are unable to process your order because you have entered an invalid lot size. When the quantity input in Order Ticket is NOT in multiples of the lot size for the counter.
We are unable to process your order because your order price is invalid. When the price input in Order Ticket is NOT in the correct bid size for the counter.
We are unable to process your order because per order buy value has exceeded. When the trade value for the BUY order exceeded the allowed BUY value per order set in the Admin Module.
We are unable to process your order because  per order sell value has exceeded. When the trade value for the SELL order exceeded the allowed BUY value per order set in the Admin Module.
We are unable to process your order because your offer is more than the upper price limit. When the ask price is higher than the Upper price limit. Applicable to BURSA orders only.
We are unable to process your order because your bid is less than the lower price limit. When the bid price is lower than the lower price limit. Applicable to BURSA orders only.
We are unable to process your order because your offer price is beyond the allowed price range. When the ask price is beyond the bid checks allowed.
We are unable to process your order because your bid bid is below the allowed price range. When the nod price is beyond the bid checks allowed.
We are unable to process your order because you have exceeded your daily exchange net limit. When the account does NOT have enough NETT limits.
We are unable to process your order because you have exceeded your global nett limit. When the account does NOT have enough NETT limits.
We are unable to process your order because you have exceeded the contra loss limit allowed. Please contact your Trading Representative. When the account hits the maximum contra loss allowed for the account when submitting a BUY order.
We are unable to process your order because you have entered an invalid reduced quantity. Please contact your Trading Representative. When the reduce by quantity is NOT in multiples of the lot size for the counter.
We are unable to process your order because the TR global buy limit has been exceeded. When the order value exceeds the available TR BUY limits.
We are unable to process your order because the limit for this counter has been exceeded. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the order value exceeds the limit set for the counter.
We are unable to process your request due to per order exposure exceeded. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the order value exceeds the limit set for the counter.
We are unable to process your request due to your branch is not set properly. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account is tied to a branch and the branch is not setup properly in Admin Module.
No CDS Account can not be found for this account. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account does NOT have CDS account information tied to it while submitting a BURSA order.
We are unable to process your order because your account is suspended for this exchange. When the account is suspended to trade an exchange.
We are unable to process your order because your W8BEN for this account has expired. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the W8BEN for the account has expired. Applicable for the 3 US markets.
We are unable to process your order because you have not submitted your W8BEN for this account. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When there is NO W8BEN for the account. Applicable for the 3 US markets.
We are unable to process your order because there is no multi-market agreement for this account. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the client has NOT submitted MMT for the account. Applicable for foreign markets.
We are unable to process your order due to error in currency conversion. When there is error in converting the foreign traded counter into local currency.
We are unable to process your order because the price is not within the price range. When the price input in Order Ticket is NOT within the price range allowed.
Order service is unavailable. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the Order Manager is down.
We are unable to process your order because your trading account is invalid.  Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the trading account is invalid.
We are unable to process your order because you are not allowed to trade this counter. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When account is suspended from trading the counter. The suspension is by RHB.
We are unable to process your order because the local currency cannot be found. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the local currency is not setup in the system.
We are unable to process your order because the currency conversion rate is not set up. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the local currency is not setup in the system.
We are unable to process your order because this counter is suspended from trading via internet. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When account is suspended from trading the counter. The suspension is by RHB.
We are unable to process your order because you have no trading access for the exchange. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account is NOT given trading access to the market.
You cannot reduce offline orders. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When clients or dealers try to reduce an offline order.
You cannot withdraw offline orders. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When clients or dealers try to cancel an offline order.
This order was transferred to this account.  You cannot reduce this order. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the order was a BFE amended order and the client or dealer try to reduce the order.
This order was transferred to this account. You cannot withdraw this order. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the order was a BFE amended order and the client or dealer try to cancel the order.
This order has been reduced offline. You cannot reduce this order. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the online order was reduced via BFE, the order cannot be further reduced online.
This order has been reduced offline. You cannot withdraw this order. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the online order was reduced via BFE, the order cannot be cancelled online.
We are unable to process your order because you do not have trading access to SGX.  Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account does NOT have trading access to SGX.
We are unable to process your order because you do not have trading access to HKEx. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account does NOT have trading access to HKEx.
We are unable to process your order because you do not have trading access to NASDAQ. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account does NOT have trading access to NASDAQ.
We are unable to process your order because you do not have trading access to NYSE. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account does NOT have trading access to NYSE.
You are unable to place a buy order for this counter. Please contact your Trading Representative or Helpdesk for assistance. When the account is suspended from BUYING a counter. This suspension is by RHB.
You are unable to place a sell order for this counter. Please contact your Trading Representative or Helpdesk for assistance. When the account is suspended from SELLING a counter. This suspension is by RHB.
You are suspended from placing an order for this stock. Please contact your Trading Representative or Helpdesk for assistance. When the account is suspended from trading a counter. This suspension is by RHB.
We are not able to process your order due to user authentication error. When there is duplicate login.
We are not able to process your order due to incorrect order reference number. When there is an error in the order number.
We are unable to process your order because trading on this exchange has been suspended. When there is suspension from trading the market. This suspension is by RHB.
We are unable to process your order because you do not have access to trade this exchange. When the account does NOT have trading access to the market.
We are unable to process your order because your login account has been suspended. When client is not allowed to login to the system.
We are unable to process your order because your login account has been de-registered. When the login ID was removed from the system.
We are unable to process your order because your trading account has been suspended. When the account is suspended from trading.
We are unable to process your order due to database technical error. Please try again at a later time.If this happens again, contact the Trading Representative for assistance. When there is database error.
This session is no longer available. This could be due to a session time-out or a duplicate login using the same userid.If the latter is not authorised, please report IMMEDIATELY to the Trading Representative. Otherwise, logout from this session. When there is session time-out or duplicate login.
Trading account number is invalid. When the trading account does not belong to the client or tied under the dealer.
You have exceeded the maximum number of attempts of invalid password / trading pin. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When client has exceeded the maximum number of invalid login attempts required.
You have provided an incorrect password. Please correct it and try again. When password is incorrect.
We are unable to process your order as the price is not within price range.  When the HKEx order exceeds the price bid allowed.
We are unable to process your order as the price is not within price range. When the HKEx order exceeds the price bid allowed.
Your account has been suspended. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account is suspended from trading.
Your account has been de-registered. Please contact your Trading Representative for assistance. When the account has been deleted.
We are not able to process your order. Please try again at a later time. If this happens again contact the Trading Representative for assistance. (Error: Account has been suspended) When the account is suspended fromt trading.
Invalid User ID. When the login ID does not exist.
User ID and Password are not the same. When either the login ID or password is incorrect.
Password cannot contain spaces. When password contains spaces.
Password cannot contain all alphabets. When password contains all alphabets. Password is alphanumeric.
Password cannot contain all numerics. When password contains all alphabets. Password is alphanumeric.
Password cannot contain all special characters. When password contains all special characters.
Password is already used in the past. When password is already used before during Change Password.
System is under mock run now. Please login again later. When system is under MOCK RUN.
No such stock found. When the search for the counter does NOT return any matching counter.
There is no counter in watchlist. When there is NO counter in the watchlist.
There is no order found. When there is NO orders in the Orders Book
There is no portfolio contract. When account does NOT have any stock holdings.
Board rate is not available. When there is NO board rate setup for conversion into local currency.
No indices data available. When the indices data are not available.
Back end service is not available currently. When the price feed is not running.
Price Service for some markets are not available! Please report to helpdesk. When the price feed is not running.
You do not have access to this market/service. When account does NOT have access to the market.
You need to go Internet to agree to terms and conditions for this market. When client has NOT accepted the T&Cs for the market in the Internet version.
Maximum number of invalid login attempts exceeded. When the maximum invalid attempts allowed was exceeded.
Invalid login ID/Password. Login with incorrect user ID and/or password.
Your password has expired. When the password has expired.
Your guest password has expired. When the guest password has expired.
A newer version is available now. Please download new version. When there is a newer version in AppStore for update.
Account is being suspended. Please contact your dealer. When account is suspended from trading.
Account has been de-registered. When account is deleted.
Please change your password. When the password has expired, client is prompted to change password.
Your order is successfully reduced. When the reduce order is accepted by the system.
Please enter the password. When client did not input the password on Place Order.
Please enter the quantity. When client did not input the quantity on Place Order.
Password successfully changed. When the password was successfully changed under Change Password.
Your order is accepted successfully by the system but we are experiencing some technical problems submitting the order to the exchange.When the technical problems are fixed, the order will be re-submitted to the exchange. When the order is accepted by the system but cannot be submitted to the system.
Empty user ID and/or password. Login without user ID and/or password.
Failed to submit your order. Please release some system resources(for example close some of your applications) and try again. When there order cannot be submitted due to insufficient system resource available.
For first time users, please login to www.rhbinvest.com on a computer to accept Standard Trading Terms and Conditions. When client login first to RHBInvest in iPhone instead of Internet version.
Sorry, this service is currently not available to you. When the selected service is unavailable.
We are not able to process your request! Please report to helpdesk. When the request cannot be processed.
Invalid Current Password. When the current password input was incorrect under Change Password.
Logon successful. When login is successful.
Your reduction request is accepted successfully by the system but the exchange is closed for break.This request will be submitted when the exchange reopens. When the reduced order is accepted by the system during market break.
Your order is accepted successfully by the system but the exchange is closed for break. This order will be submitted when the exchange reopens. When the new order is accepted by the system during market break.
Your withdrawal request is accepted successfully by the system but the exchange is closed for break.This request will be submitted when the exchange reopens. When the cancelled order is accepted by the system during market break.
Your order is accepted successfully by the system but we are experiencing some technical problems submitting the order to the exchange.When the technical problems are fixed, the order will be re-submitted to the exchange. When the new order is accepted by the system but cannot be submitted to the exchange.
Your order is accepted successfully by the system but the exchange is already closed for the day.This order will be submitted the next working day when the exchange reopens. Your order will be subjected to the credit limit check on the next trading day. When the new order is accepted by the system but the market is already closed.
Your order is accepted successfully by the system but the exchange is not yet open for the day. This order will be submitted when the exchange opens. When the new order is accepted by the system but the market is NOT yet opened for the day.
Your reduction request is accepted successfully by the system and will be submitted to the exchange. When the reduced order is accepted by the system.
Your order is accepted successfully by the system and will be submitted to the exchange. When the new order is accepted by the system.
Your withdrawal request is accepted successfully by the system and will be submitted to the exchange. When the cancelled order is accepted by the system.
Your order is accepted successfully by the system but we are experiencing some technical problems submitting the order to the exchange.When the technical problems are fixed, the order will be re-submitted to the exchange. When the new order is accepted by the system but cannot be submitted to the exchange.
Your quantity reduction should be less than the current quantity. When the new quantity is more than the current balance quantity.
Amend quantity is not allowed negative value. When the reduce by quantity is negative.
There is a newer version available. Please download it from Apple App Store. When there is a newer version in AppStore for download.
No counter found. When the search for the counter does NOT return any matching counter.
There is no Data. In Portfolio, select account and market that don't have the portfolio data.
No Order available. If the orders do not exist for selected account, market and status in order book.
Your search returns no result. Please re-enter again. In advanced search, search the stock counter by counter name or code, that doesn't exist in database.
No Watch List available. When there is NO watchlist for the client.
No counter under selected watch list. In watchlist, choose the watchlist that doen't have any counters.
You DO NOT have access to this service. When client does NOT have access to the service.
Your current version of iPhone App is no longer supported. Please download the latest version from Apple App Store. If the user doesn't have the latest iPhone version.
Your new password is blank. When the new password is blank under Change Password.
Password should be at least 6 characters. Number of characters entered for password is less than 6.
Password should be at most 15 characters. Number of characters entered for password is greater than 15.
Password should be alphanumeric characters. When new password is NOT alphanumeric under Change Password.
Consecutive character is not allow in password. When the same alphabet or number is used consecutively under Change Ppassword.
Password changed successfully. For first time login  please login to www.rhbinvest.com to accept all Terms  &Conditions. When password is successfully changed.
Duplicate Login is detected.Please re-login. When there is a duplicate login detected.
Session expired.Please re-login. When the session has expired.
This service is not available for this market. When the selected service is unavailable.
The counter you have entered is at present having trade restrictions. Please check with the Trading Representative or enter another counter. When the COUNTER is suspended from both BUYING and SELLING via the Admin Module. This suspension is by RHB and NOT by BURSA.
You cannot amend nor withdraw this order. Please contact your dealer for assistance. When the order cannot be reduced not cancelled.
You need to agree terms and conditions of this market. When client has NOT accepted the T&Cs for the market in the Internet version.
Your order is successfully withdrawn. When the cancelled order is accepted by the system.